CoreFoundation Namespace

Binding to the C CocoaTouch APIs.


The types in the MonoTouch.CoreFoundation namespace are bindings to the object oriented CocoaTouch C-API. They are lower level classes, functions and types than the Objective-C based APIs found in Monotouch.Foundation.


CFAllocatorA class that allows for explicit allocation and de-allocation of memory.
CFErrorDomainA class whose static fields define error domains for CoreFoundation.CFException.Domain.
CFExceptionRepresents an exception arising from a Core Foundation CFError, having an error domain, a domain-specific error code, and perhaps additional information.
CFExceptionDataKeyDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CFNetworkProvides the necessary methods needed for accessing the system's global proxy configuration settings and resolving a list of proxies to use for connecting to a URL.
CFObjectBase class for CoreFoundation objects.
CFProxyProvides information about a proxy.
CFProxySettingsConfiguration settings used by CoreFoundation.CFNetwork.GetProxiesForURL.
CFProxyTypeAn enum of CoreFoundation.CFProxy proxy types.
CFRangeRepresents a range from two integers: location and length.
CFReadStreamA CoreFoundation.CFStream that reads streams of bytes.
CFRunLoopMain loop implementation for Cocoa and CocoaTouch applications.
CFRunLoopExitReasonThe reason for a CoreFoundation.CFRunLoop to stop running.
CFRunLoopSourceAn input source that generates asynchronous events and is intended to be used with a CoreFoundation.CFRunLoop.
CFRunLoopSourceCustomAn abstract CoreFoundation.CFRunLoop that, when extended, gives the application developer fine-grained control over lifecycle events.
CFSocket+CFSocketAcceptEventArgs EventArgs for the CoreFoundation.CFSocket.AcceptEvent event.
CFSocket+CFSocketConnectEventArgs EventArgs for the CoreFoundation.CFSocket.ConnectEvent event.
CFSocket+CFSocketDataEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CFSocket+CFSocketReadEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CFSocket+CFSocketWriteEventArgsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
CFSocketCallBackTypeAn enumeration whose values can be used with the CoreFoundation.CFSocket.DisableCallbacks and CoreFoundation.CFSocket.EnableCallbacks methods.
CFSocketErrorAn enumeration whose values specify errors relating to CoreFoundation.CFSockets.
CFSocketExceptionAn Exception that is raised by various methods of the CoreFoundation.CFSocket class.
CFSocketFlagsAn enumeration whose values can be used with the CoreFoundation.CFSocket.GetSocketFlags and CoreFoundation.CFSocket.SetSocketFlags methods.
CFSocketNativeHandleType for the platform-specific native socket handle.
CFStreamAn abstract class that defines a stream for reading or writing bytes.
CFStream+CFStreamCallbackA delegate used as a callback in various CoreFoundation.CFStream methods.
CFStream+StreamEventArgsAn EventArgs used by several events in CoreFoundation.CFString.
CFStreamClientContextA structure used to support custom stream-related events.
CFStreamEventTypeConstants for stream-related events.
CFStreamStatusAn enumeration whose values specify valid statuses for a CoreFoundation.CFStream.
CFStringString class used by C-only Cocoa APIs.
CFTypeBase type for some Core Foundation classes, such as CoreFoundation.CFSocket and CoreFoundation.CFStream.
CFUrlURL class used by C-only Cocoa APIs.
CFUrlPathStyleUrl Style.
CFWriteStreamA CoreFoundation.CFStream that writes streams of bytes.
DispatchGroupManages group of code blocks allows for aggregate synchronization.
DispatchObjectBase class for dispatch objects.
DispatchQueueProvides a task queue that can perform tasks either synchronously or asynchronously.
DispatchQueuePriorityAn enumeration whose values define priorities available to CoreFoundation.DispatchQueues.
DispatchTimeDispatch time and time-out representation.
ICFTypeMonoTouch-internal interface for now.