Android.Content.SyncResult.TooManyDeletions Property
Used to indicate that the SyncAdapter determined that it would need to issue too many delete operations to the server in order to satisfy the request (as defined by the SyncAdapter).


public bool TooManyDeletions { get; set; }


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Used to indicate that the SyncAdapter determined that it would need to issue too many delete operations to the server in order to satisfy the request (as defined by the SyncAdapter). The SyncManager will record that the sync request failed and will cause a System Notification to be created asking the user what they want to do about this. It will give the user a chance to choose between (1) go ahead even with those deletes, (2) revert the deletes, or (3) take no action. If the user decides (1) or (2) the SyncManager will issue another sync request with either ContentResolver.SyncExtrasOverrideTooManyDeletions or ContentResolver.SyncExtrasDiscardLocalDeletions set in the extras. It is then up to the SyncAdapter to decide how to honor that request.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 5