Android.Views.LayoutInflater.Factory Property
Return the current NoType:android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory;Href=../../../reference/android/view/LayoutInflater.Factory.html (or null).


[get: Android.Runtime.Register("getFactory", "()Landroid/view/LayoutInflater$Factory;", "GetGetFactoryHandler")]
[set: Android.Runtime.Register("setFactory", "(Landroid/view/LayoutInflater$Factory;)V", "GetSetFactory_Landroid_view_LayoutInflater_Factory_Handler")]
public LayoutInflater.IFactory Factory { get; set; }


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Get method documentation [Android Documentation]

Return the current NoType:android/view/LayoutInflater$Factory;Href=../../../reference/android/view/LayoutInflater.Factory.html (or null). This is called on each element name. If the factory returns a View, add that to the hierarchy. If it returns null, proceed to call onCreateView(name).

Set method documentation [Android Documentation]

Attach a custom Factory interface for creating views while using this LayoutInflater. This must not be null, and can only be set once; after setting, you can not change the factory. This is called on each element name as the xml is parsed. If the factory returns a View, that is added to the hierarchy. If it returns null, the next factory default LayoutInflater.OnCreateView(View, System.String, System.String) method is called. If you have an existing LayoutInflater and want to add your own factory to it, use LayoutInflater.CloneInContext(Android.Content.Context) to clone the existing instance and then you can use this function (once) on the returned new instance. This will merge your own factory with whatever factory the original instance is using.


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1