Android.Views.ScrollbarStyles Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum ScrollbarStyles


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
InsideInsetThe scrollbar style to display the scrollbars inside the padded area, increasing the padding of the view. The scrollbars will not overlap the content area of the view.
InsideOverlayThe scrollbar style to display the scrollbars inside the content area, without increasing the padding. The scrollbars will be overlaid with translucency on the view's content.
OutsideInsetThe scrollbar style to display the scrollbars at the edge of the view, increasing the padding of the view. The scrollbars will only overlap the background, if any.
OutsideOverlayThe scrollbar style to display the scrollbars at the edge of the view, without increasing the padding. The scrollbars will be overlaid with translucency.


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: