Java.Text.ICharacterIterator: Method Members

The methods of Java.Text.ICharacterIterator are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ICharacterIterator Members list.

Public Methods

Clone() : Java.Lang.Object
Returns a new CharacterIterator with the same properties.
Current() : char
Returns the character at the current index.
First() : char
Sets the current position to the begin index and returns the character at the new position.
Last() : char
Sets the current position to the end index - 1 and returns the character at the new position.
Next() : char
Increments the current index and returns the character at the new index.
Previous() : char
Decrements the current index and returns the character at the new index.
SetIndex(int) : char
Sets the current index to a new position and returns the character at the new index.