CoreImage.CIImage.GetAutoAdjustmentFilters Method
Gets the filters requires to perform some common image correction steps to an image.


public CIFilter[] GetAutoAdjustmentFilters ()


Returns an array of configured filters to apply to the image to automatically adjust it.


In general, you should try to use the CIImage.GetAutoAdjustmentFilters(CIAutoAdjustmentFilterOptions) as that method allows you to customize which kind of filters you want to get.

This method is used to get a list of pre-configured filters to remedy various common problems found in photos.

c# Example

void PrepareFixes (CIImage img)
    foreach (var filter in img.GetAutoAdjustmentFilters ()) {
    	filter.Image = img;
    	img = filter.OutputImage;


Namespace: CoreImage
Assembly: Xamarin.iOS (in Xamarin.iOS.dll)
Assembly Versions: