Android.Widget.AbsListView: Method Members

The methods of Android.Widget.AbsListView are listed below. For a list of all members, see the AbsListView Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Android.Widget.AdapterView<Android.Widget.IListAdapter>

Public Methods

For our text watcher that is associated with the text filter.
BeforeTextChanged(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, int, int, int)
For our text watcher that is associated with the text filter.
BeforeTextChanged(string, int, int, int)
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CanScrollList(int) : bool
Check if the items in the list can be scrolled in a certain direction.
Clear any choices previously set
Clear the text filter.
This defers a notifyDataSetChanged on the pending RemoteViewsAdapter if it has not connected yet.
Initiate a fling with the given velocity.
GetCheckedItemIds() : long[]
Returns the set of checked items ids.
Causes all the views to be rebuilt and redrawn.
IsItemChecked(int) : bool
Returns the checked state of the specified position.
Callback method to be invoked when the global layout state or the visibility of views within the view tree changes
OnInitializeAccessibilityNodeInfoForItem(Android.Views.View, int, Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo)
Initializes an Android.Views.Accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo with information about a particular item in the list.
OnRemoteAdapterConnected() : bool
Called back when the adapter connects to the RemoteViewsService.
Called back when the adapter disconnects from the RemoteViewsService.
Hook allowing a view to re-apply a representation of its internal state that had previously been generated by Android.Views.View.OnSaveInstanceState.
OnSaveInstanceState() : Android.OS.IParcelable
Hook allowing a view to generate a representation of its internal state that can later be used to create a new instance with that same state.
OnTextChanged(Java.Lang.ICharSequence, int, int, int)
For our text watcher that is associated with the text filter.
OnTextChanged(string, int, int, int)
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Callback method to be invoked when the touch mode changes.
PointToPosition(int, int) : int
Maps a point to a position in the list.
PointToRowId(int, int) : long
Maps a point to a the rowId of the item which intersects that point.
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Scrolls the list items within the view by a specified number of pixels.
Sets the adapter that provides the data and the views to represent the data in this widget.
Controls whether the selection highlight drawable should be drawn on top of the item or behind it.
Specifies the style of the fast scroller decorations.
Sets the initial value for the text filter.
The amount of friction applied to flings.
SetItemChecked(int, bool)
Sets the checked state of the specified position.
Set a NoType:android/widget/AbsListView$MultiChoiceModeListener;Href=../../../reference/android/widget/AbsListView.MultiChoiceModeListener.html that will manage the lifecycle of the selection Android.Views.ActionMode.
Set the listener that will receive notifications every time the list scrolls.
Sets the recycler listener to be notified whenever a View is set aside in the recycler for later reuse.
Sets up this AbsListView to use a remote views adapter which connects to a RemoteViewsService through the specified intent.
SetScrollIndicators(Android.Views.View, Android.Views.View)
SetSelectionFromTop(int, int)
Sets the selected item and positions the selection y pixels from the top edge of the ListView.
Set a Drawable that should be used to highlight the currently selected item.
Sets a scale factor for the fling velocity.
SmoothScrollBy(int, int)
Smoothly scroll by distance pixels over duration milliseconds.
Smoothly scroll to the specified adapter position.
SmoothScrollToPosition(int, int)
Smoothly scroll to the specified adapter position.
SmoothScrollToPositionFromTop(int, int)
Smoothly scroll to the specified adapter position.
SmoothScrollToPositionFromTop(int, int, int)
Smoothly scroll to the specified adapter position.
VerifyDrawable(Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable) : bool
If your view subclass is displaying its own Drawable objects, it should override this function and return true for any Drawable it is displaying.

Protected Methods

Subclasses must override this method to layout their children.