Android.Text.Style.TtsSpan.TypeElectronic Field
The text associated with this span is a URI (can be used for URLs and email addresses).


public const string TypeElectronic


The text associated with this span is a URI (can be used for URLs and email addresses). The full schema for URLs, which email addresses can effectively be seen as a subset of, is: protocol://username:password@domain:port/path?query_string#fragment_id Hence populating just username and domain will read as an email address. All arguments are optional, but at least one has to be provided: TtsSpan.ArgProtocol, TtsSpan.ArgUsername, TtsSpan.ArgPassword, TtsSpan.ArgDomain, TtsSpan.ArgPort, TtsSpan.ArgPath, TtsSpan.ArgQueryString and TtsSpan.ArgFragmentId. Also accepts the arguments TtsSpan.ArgGender, TtsSpan.ArgAnimacy, TtsSpan.ArgMultiplicity and TtsSpan.ArgCase.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Text.Style
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: