System.Windows.Forms.ItemBoundsPortion Enumeration

Specifies a portion of the list view item from which to retrieve the bounding rectangle.


public enum ItemBoundsPortion


Use the members of this enumeration when calling the ListView.GetItemRect(int) method of the System.Windows.Forms.ListView control. This enumeration is also used when calling the ListViewItem.GetBounds(ItemBoundsPortion) method of the System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem class.


Member NameDescription

The bounding rectangle of the entire item, including the icon, the item text, and the subitem text (if displayed), should be retrieved.


The bounding rectangle of the icon or small icon should be retrieved.


The bounding rectangle of the icon or small icon and the item text should be retrieved. In all views except the details view of the System.Windows.Forms.ListView, this value specifies the same bounding rectangle as the Entire value. In details view, this value specifies the bounding rectangle specified by the Entire value without the subitems. If the ListView.CheckBoxes property is set to true, this property does not include the area of the check boxes in its bounding rectangle. To include the entire item, including the check boxes, use the Entire value when calling the ListView.GetItemRect(int) method.


The bounding rectangle of the item text should be retrieved.


Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
Assembly: System.Windows.Forms (in System.Windows.Forms.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,