UIKit.UITableView: Method Members

The methods of UIKit.UITableView are listed below. For a list of all members, see the UITableView Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from UIKit.UIScrollView

Public Methods

AppearanceWhenContainedIn(params Type[]) : UITableView.UITableViewAppearance
Returns a strongly typed UIAppearance for instances of this class when the view is hosted in the specified hierarchy.
Call this method before inserting, updating or selecting rows that you wish to animate as one operation. UITableView.EndUpdates must be called after the modifications are complete.
CellAt(Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCell
Returns the table cell at the specified index path.
DeleteRows(Foundation.NSIndexPath[], UITableViewRowAnimation)
Delete the rows referenced in the atIndexPaths array. The deletion can optionally be animated.
DeleteSections(Foundation.NSIndexSet, UITableViewRowAnimation)
Deletes a section (or sections) from a table view, with an option to animate the operation.
DequeueReusableCell(Foundation.NSString) : UITableViewCell
Returns a reusable table view cell that was created with the given ReuseIdentifier.
DequeueReusableCell(string) : UITableViewCell
Returns a reusable table view cell that was created with the given ReuseIdentifier.
DequeueReusableCell(Foundation.NSString, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCell
Returns a reusable table view cell for the given reuseIdentifier, properly sized for the indexPath.
DequeueReusableCell(string, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCell
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DequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(Foundation.NSString) : UITableViewHeaderFooterView
Returns a reusable UIKit.UITableViewHeaderFooterView for the given reuseIdentifier.
DequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(string) : UITableViewHeaderFooterView
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DeselectRow(Foundation.NSIndexPath, bool)
Deselect a given row in a table view, with an option to animate the deselection.
Finalize a series of method calls that insert, update or select rows to animate as one operation. UITableView.BeginUpdates() must be called before the modifications are made.
GetAppearance<T>() : UITableView.UITableViewAppearance
The strongly-typed IUIAppearance for this object.
GetAppearance<T>(UITraitCollection) : UITableView.UITableViewAppearance
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GetAppearance<T>(UITraitCollection, params Type[]) : UITableView.UITableViewAppearance
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GetFooterView(nint) : UITableViewHeaderFooterView
The footer view for the specified section.
GetHeaderView(nint) : UITableViewHeaderFooterView
Returns the UIKit.UITableViewHeaderFooterView for the specified section. Returns null if there is no corresponding view.
IndexPathForCell(UITableViewCell) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Calculates the index path for the specified cell.
IndexPathForRowAtPoint(CoreGraphics.CGPoint) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Returns the Foundation.NSIndexPath for the row at the indicated point.
InsertRows(Foundation.NSIndexPath[], UITableViewRowAnimation)
Inserts rows into the UIKit.UITableView.
InsertSections(Foundation.NSIndexSet, UITableViewRowAnimation)
Inserts a section (or sections) from a table view, with an option to animate the operation.
MoveRow(Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Moves a row from fromIndexPath to toIndexPath.
MoveSection(nint, nint)
Moves a section to a new location in the table view.
NumberOfRowsInSection(nint) : nint
Returns the number of rows (table cells) in a given section.
NumberOfSections() : nint
Returns the number of sections in the table view.
RectForFooterInSection(nint) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
Returns the drawing area for the specified section's footer.
RectForHeaderInSection(nint) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
Returns the drawing area for the specified section's header.
RectForRowAtIndexPath(Foundation.NSIndexPath) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
Returns the drawing area for the specified row.
RectForSection(nint) : CoreGraphics.CGRect
Returns the drawing area for the specified section.
RegisterClassForCellReuse(Type, Foundation.NSString)
Registers a type to provide UITableViewCells for a specific reuseIdentifier.
RegisterClassForCellReuse(Type, string)
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RegisterClassForHeaderFooterViewReuse(Type, Foundation.NSString)
Registers a type to provide UIViews for headers or footers for a specific reuseIdentifier.
RegisterClassForHeaderFooterViewReuse(Type, string)
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RegisterNibForCellReuse(UINib, Foundation.NSString)
Specifies the nib file to use for cells with the specified identifier.
RegisterNibForCellReuse(UINib, string)
Registers a nib object (containing a UIKit.UITableViewCell) with the given identifer string.
RegisterNibForHeaderFooterViewReuse(UINib, Foundation.NSString)
Specifies the nib file to use for headers or footers.
RegisterNibForHeaderFooterViewReuse(UINib, string)
Registers a nib object (containing a UIKit.UITableViewHeaderFooterView) with the given identifier string.
Reloads the rows and sections in the table view.
ReloadRows(Foundation.NSIndexPath[], UITableViewRowAnimation)
Reloads specific rows with the given animation effect.
Reloads the index bar long the right edge of a table view.
ReloadSections(Foundation.NSIndexSet, UITableViewRowAnimation)
Reloads specific sections with an animation effect.
ScrollToNearestSelected(UITableViewScrollPosition, bool)
Automatically scrolls the rows so that the selected row nearest to a given position is moved to that position.
ScrollToRow(Foundation.NSIndexPath, UITableViewScrollPosition, bool)
Automatically scrolls the table view until the specified row appears in the required position.
SelectRow(Foundation.NSIndexPath, bool, UITableViewScrollPosition)
Selects the given row, optionall scrolling the row to a specific location.
SetEditing(bool, bool)
Turns editing mode on or off.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UITableView object.