Android.Webkit.WebChromeClient.OnCreateWindow Method
Request the host application to create a new window.


[Android.Runtime.Register("onCreateWindow", "(Landroid/webkit/WebView;ZZLandroid/os/Message;)Z", "GetOnCreateWindow_Landroid_webkit_WebView_ZZLandroid_os_Message_Handler")]
public virtual bool OnCreateWindow (WebView view, bool dialog, bool userGesture, Android.OS.Message resultMsg)


The WebView from which the request for a new window originated.
True if the new window should be a dialog, rather than a full-size window.
True if the request was initiated by a user gesture, such as the user clicking a link.
The message to send when once a new WebView has been created. resultMsg.obj is a NoType:android/webkit/WebView$WebViewTransport;Href=../../../reference/android/webkit/WebView.WebViewTransport.html object. This should be used to transport the new WebView, by calling NoType:android/webkit/WebView$WebViewTransport;Href=../../../reference/android/webkit/WebView.WebViewTransport.html#setWebView(android.webkit.WebView).


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Request the host application to create a new window. If the host application chooses to honor this request, it should return true from this method, create a new WebView to host the window, insert it into the View system and send the supplied resultMsg message to its target with the new WebView as an argument. If the host application chooses not to honor the request, it should return false from this method. The default implementation of this method does nothing and hence returns false.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Webkit
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1