Android.Content.PM.ServiceInfoFlags Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum ServiceInfoFlags


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
IsolatedProcessBit in ServiceInfo.Flags: If set, the service will run in its own isolated process. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.IsolatedProcess attribute.
SingleUserBit in ServiceInfo.Flags: If set, a single instance of the service will run for all users on the device. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.SingleUser attribute.
StopWithTaskBit in ServiceInfo.Flags: If set, the service will automatically be stopped by the system if the user removes a task that is rooted in one of the application's activities. Set from the Android.Resource.Attribute.StopWithTask attribute.


Namespace: Android.Content.PM
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: