Android.Hardware.Camera2.CaptureRequest.JpegOrientation Property


public static CaptureRequest.Key JpegOrientation { get; }

See Also



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The orientation for a JPEG image.

The clockwise rotation angle in degrees, relative to the orientation to the camera, that the JPEG picture needs to be rotated by, to be viewed upright.

Camera devices may either encode this value into the JPEG EXIF header, or rotate the image data to match this orientation.

Note that this orientation is relative to the orientation of the camera sensor, given by CameraCharacteristics.SensorOrientation.

To translate from the device orientation given by the Android sensor APIs, the following sample code may be used:

Units: Degrees in multiples of 90

Range of valid values:

0, 90, 180, 270

This key is available on all devices.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Hardware.Camera2
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: