System.Web.UI.ThemeProvider Members

The members of System.Web.UI.ThemeProvider are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Constructors

Public Properties


Gets the hash of the theme definition passed to the constructor.


Gets a set of strings that represent the names of any cascading style sheet (CSS) files associated with the current theme, if the theme is a style sheet theme.


Gets an System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost object that represents the current designer environment.


Gets the name of the theme or style sheet theme that the System.Web.UI.ThemeProvider instance represents.

Public Methods

GetSkinBuilder(Control) : SkinBuilder

Retrieves a System.Web.UI.SkinBuilder instance for the specified control, which is used to apply a theme and control skin in a designer environment.

GetSkinControlBuildersForControlType(Type) : IDictionary

Gets an IDictionary object that contains a set of System.Web.UI.SkinBuilder objects for the specified Type.

GetSkinsForControl(Type) : ICollection

Gets an ICollection of skin identifiers that are associated with the specified Type.