Android.Opengl.Matrix Members

The members of Android.Opengl.Matrix are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

FrustumM(float[], int, float, float, float, float, float, float)
Defines a projection matrix in terms of six clip planes.
InvertM(float[], int, float[], int) : bool
Inverts a 4 x 4 matrix.
Length(float, float, float) : float
Computes the length of a vector.
MultiplyMM(float[], int, float[], int, float[], int)
Multiplies two 4x4 matrices together and stores the result in a third 4x4 matrix.
MultiplyMV(float[], int, float[], int, float[], int)
Multiplies a 4 element vector by a 4x4 matrix and stores the result in a 4-element column vector.
OrthoM(float[], int, float, float, float, float, float, float)
Computes an orthographic projection matrix.
PerspectiveM(float[], int, float, float, float, float)
Defines a projection matrix in terms of a field of view angle, an aspect ratio, and z clip planes.
RotateM(float[], int, float, float, float, float)
Rotates matrix m in place by angle a (in degrees) around the axis (x, y, z).
RotateM(float[], int, float[], int, float, float, float, float)
Rotates matrix m by angle a (in degrees) around the axis (x, y, z).
ScaleM(float[], int, float, float, float)
Scales matrix m in place by sx, sy, and sz.
ScaleM(float[], int, float[], int, float, float, float)
Scales matrix m by x, y, and z, putting the result in sm.
SetIdentityM(float[], int)
Sets matrix m to the identity matrix.
SetLookAtM(float[], int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)
Defines a viewing transformation in terms of an eye point, a center of view, and an up vector.
SetRotateEulerM(float[], int, float, float, float)
Converts Euler angles to a rotation matrix.
SetRotateM(float[], int, float, float, float, float)
Creates a matrix for rotation by angle a (in degrees) around the axis (x, y, z).
TranslateM(float[], int, float, float, float)
Translates matrix m by x, y, and z in place.
TranslateM(float[], int, float[], int, float, float, float)
Translates matrix m by x, y, and z, putting the result in tm.
TransposeM(float[], int, float[], int)
Transposes a 4 x 4 matrix.