of System.Web.HttpWriter are listed below. For a list of all members, see the HttpWriter Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from System.IO.TextWriter
Public Methods
override | Close()
Sends all buffered output to the HTTP output stream and closes the socket connection.
override | Flush()
Sends all buffered output to the HTTP output stream.
override | Write(char)
Sends a single character to the HTTP output stream.
override | Write(object)
Sends an object to the HTTP output stream.
override | Write(string)
Sends a string to the HTTP output stream.
override | Write(char[], int, int)
Sends a stream of characters with the specified starting position and number of characters to the HTTP output stream.
| WriteBytes(byte[], int, int)
Sends a stream of bytes with the specified starting position and number of bytes to the HTTP output stream.
override | WriteLine()
Sends a carriage return + line feed (CRLF) pair of characters to the HTTP output stream.
| WriteString(string, int, int)
Sends a string with the specified starting position and number of characters to the HTTP output stream.