AddressBook Namespace

Addressbook APIs.


Access to the central contacts database, known as the "Address Book" on iOS.


ABAddressBook Provides access to the system Address Book.
ABAddressBookErrorPossible AddressBook.ABAddressBook errors.
ABAuthorizationStatusAn enumeration whose values specify the possible results of the AddressBook.ABAddressBook.GetAuthorizationStatus method.
ABGroup A grouping of AddressBook.ABPerson and other AddressBook.ABGroup records.
ABLabel Generic property labels.
ABMultiValue<T> A collection of AddressBook.ABMultiValueEntry<T> entries.
ABMultiValueEntry<T> A AddressBook.ABMultiValue<T> entry.
ABMutableDateMultiValue A AddressBook.ABMultiValue<Foundation.NSDate> which supports changing values.
ABMutableDictionaryMultiValue A AddressBook.ABMultiValue<Foundation.NSDictionary> which supports changing values.
ABMutableMultiValue<T> A AddressBook.ABMultiValue<T> that supports editing.
ABMutableStringMultiValue A AddressBook.ABMultiValue<Foundation.NSString> which supports changing values.
ABPerson Information about a person.
ABPersonAddressKey Foundation.NSDictionary keys for use with AddressBook.ABPerson addresses.
ABPersonCompositeNameFormat The format to use for a person's composite name.
ABPersonDateLabel Date property labels.
ABPersonImageFormatAn enumeration whose values specify whether the form of the image requested from the AddressBook.ABPerson.GetImage method.
ABPersonInstantMessageKey Foundation.NSDictionary keys for use with AddressBook.ABPerson instant message services.
ABPersonInstantMessageService Possible AddressBook.ABPersonInstantMessageKey.Service key values.
ABPersonKind Specifies whether a AddressBook.ABPerson represents a human being or an organization.
ABPersonPhoneLabel Phone number property labels.
ABPersonProperty The AddressBook.ABPerson properties.
ABPersonRelatedNamesLabel Related name property labels.
ABPersonSocialProfileServiceA class whose static members define constant names for various social networks.
ABPersonSortByHow to sort records.
ABPersonUrlLabel URL property labels.
ABPropertyTypeRecord property types.
ABRecord Base type for AddressBook.ABGroup and AddressBook.ABPerson.
ABRecordTypePotential record types.
ABSourceA data source that produces address book data. (See AddressBook.ABSourceType.)
ABSourcePropertyDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ABSourceTypeAn enumeration whose values specify various kinds of AddressBook.ABSourceType.
ExternalChangeEventArgsProvides data for the AddressBook.ExternalChangeEventArgs.ExternalChange event.
InstantMessageServiceManages instance message service configuration.
PersonAddressManages the person address.
SocialProfileManages social profile configuration.