| ApplyTheme(Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme)Applies the specified theme to this Drawable and its children. |
| CanApplyTheme() : bool |
| ClearColorFilter()Removes the color filter for this drawable. |
| CopyBounds() : RectReturn a copy of the drawable's bounds in a new Rect. |
| CopyBounds(Rect)Return a copy of the drawable's bounds in the specified Rect (allocated
by the caller). |
static | CreateFromPath(string) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from file path name. |
static | CreateFromPathAsync(string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | CreateFromResourceStream(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from an inputstream, using the given resources and
value to determine density information. |
static | CreateFromResourceStream(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string, BitmapFactory.Options) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from an inputstream, using the given resources and
value to determine density information. |
static | CreateFromResourceStreamAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | CreateFromResourceStreamAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string, BitmapFactory.Options) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | CreateFromStream(System.IO.Stream, string) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from an inputstream
static | CreateFromStreamAsync(System.IO.Stream, string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | CreateFromXml(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from an XML document. |
static | CreateFromXml(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from an XML document using an optional NoType:android/content/res/Resources$Theme;Href=../../../../reference/android/content/res/Resources.Theme.html. |
static | CreateFromXmlAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | CreateFromXmlAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
static | CreateFromXmlInner(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate from inside an XML document. |
static | CreateFromXmlInner(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableCreate a drawable from inside an XML document using an optional
NoType:android/content/res/Resources$Theme;Href=../../../../reference/android/content/res/Resources.Theme.html. |
abstract | Draw(Canvas)Draw in its bounds (set via setBounds) respecting optional effects such
as alpha (set via setAlpha) and color filter (set via setColorFilter). |
| GetConstantState() : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable.ConstantStateReturn a NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$ConstantState;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.ConstantState.html instance that holds the shared state of this Drawable. |
| GetOutline(Outline)Called to get the drawable to populate the Outline that defines its drawing area. |
| GetPadding(Rect) : boolReturn in padding the insets suggested by this Drawable for placing
content inside the drawable's bounds. |
| GetState() : int[]Describes the current state, as a union of primitve states, such as
NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#state_selected, etc. |
| Inflate(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet)Inflate this Drawable from an XML resource. |
| Inflate(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme)Inflate this Drawable from an XML resource optionally styled by a theme. |
| InflateAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
| InflateAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : System.Threading.Tasks.TaskDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
| InvalidateSelf()Use the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation to have this Drawable
redrawn. |
| JumpToCurrentState()If this Drawable does transition animations between states, ask that
it immediately jump to the current state and skip any active animations. |
| Mutate() : Android.Graphics.Drawables.DrawableMake this drawable mutable. |
static | ResolveOpacity(int, int) : intReturn the appropriate opacity value for two source opacities. |
| ScheduleSelf(Java.Lang.IRunnable, long)Use the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation to have this Drawable
scheduled. |
| ScheduleSelf(Action, long)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |
abstract | SetAlpha(int)Specify an alpha value for the drawable. 0 means fully transparent, and
255 means fully opaque. |
| SetBounds(int, int, int, int)Specify a bounding rectangle for the Drawable. |
| SetCallback(Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable.ICallback)Bind a NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html object to this Drawable. |
abstract | SetColorFilter(ColorFilter)Specify an optional color filter for the drawable. |
| SetColorFilter(Color, PorterDuff.Mode)Specify a color and Porter-Duff mode to be the color filter for this
drawable. |
| SetDither(bool)Set to true to have the drawable dither its colors when drawn to a device
with fewer than 8-bits per color component. |
| SetFilterBitmap(bool)Set to true to have the drawable filter its bitmap when scaled or rotated
(for drawables that use bitmaps). |
| SetHotspot(float, float)Specifies the hotspot's location within the drawable. |
| SetHotspotBounds(int, int, int, int)Sets the bounds to which the hotspot is constrained, if they should be
different from the drawable bounds. |
| SetLevel(int) : boolSpecify the level for the drawable. |
| SetState(int[]) : boolSpecify a set of states for the drawable. |
| SetTint(int)Specifies a tint for this drawable. |
| SetTintList(Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList)Specifies a tint for this drawable as a color state list. |
| SetTintMode(PorterDuff.Mode)Specifies a tint blending mode for this drawable. |
| SetVisible(bool, bool) : boolSet whether this Drawable is visible. |
| UnscheduleSelf(Java.Lang.IRunnable)Use the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation to have this Drawable
unscheduled. |
| UnscheduleSelf(Action)Documentation for this section has not yet been entered. |