Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable Members

The members of Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Properties

Alphaint. Gets the current alpha value for the drawable. 0 means fully transparent, 255 means fully opaque.
AutoMirroredbool. Tells if this Drawable will be automatically mirrored when its layout direction is RTL right-to-left.
BoundsRect. Return the drawable's bounds Rect.
CallbackAndroid.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable.ICallback. Return the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation attached to this Drawable.
ChangingConfigurationsAndroid.Content.PM.ConfigChanges. Return a mask of the configuration parameters for which this drawable may change, requiring that it be re-created.
ColorFilterColorFilter. Returns the current color filter, or null if none set.
DirtyBoundsRect. Return the drawable's dirty bounds Rect.
IntrinsicHeightint. Return the intrinsic height of the underlying drawable object.
IntrinsicWidthint. Return the intrinsic width of the underlying drawable object.
IsStatefulbool. Indicates whether this drawable will change its appearance based on state.
Levelint. Retrieve the current level.
MinimumHeightint. Returns the minimum height suggested by this Drawable.
MinimumWidthint. Returns the minimum width suggested by this Drawable.
Opacityint. Return the opacity/transparency of this Drawable.
TransparentRegionRegion. Returns a Region representing the part of the Drawable that is completely transparent.

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

Applies the specified theme to this Drawable and its children.
CanApplyTheme() : bool
Removes the color filter for this drawable.
CopyBounds() : Rect
Return a copy of the drawable's bounds in a new Rect.
Return a copy of the drawable's bounds in the specified Rect (allocated by the caller).
CreateFromPath(string) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from file path name.
CreateFromPathAsync(string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>
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CreateFromResourceStream(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from an inputstream, using the given resources and value to determine density information.
CreateFromResourceStream(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string, BitmapFactory.Options) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from an inputstream, using the given resources and value to determine density information.
CreateFromResourceStreamAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>
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CreateFromResourceStreamAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, Android.Util.TypedValue, System.IO.Stream, string, BitmapFactory.Options) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>
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CreateFromStream(System.IO.Stream, string) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from an inputstream
CreateFromStreamAsync(System.IO.Stream, string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>
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CreateFromXml(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from an XML document.
CreateFromXml(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from an XML document using an optional NoType:android/content/res/Resources$Theme;Href=../../../../reference/android/content/res/Resources.Theme.html.
CreateFromXmlAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>
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CreateFromXmlAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable>
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CreateFromXmlInner(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create from inside an XML document.
CreateFromXmlInner(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Create a drawable from inside an XML document using an optional NoType:android/content/res/Resources$Theme;Href=../../../../reference/android/content/res/Resources.Theme.html.
Draw in its bounds (set via setBounds) respecting optional effects such as alpha (set via setAlpha) and color filter (set via setColorFilter).
GetConstantState() : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable.ConstantState
Return a NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$ConstantState;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.ConstantState.html instance that holds the shared state of this Drawable.
Called to get the drawable to populate the Outline that defines its drawing area.
GetPadding(Rect) : bool
Return in padding the insets suggested by this Drawable for placing content inside the drawable's bounds.
GetState() : int[]
Describes the current state, as a union of primitve states, such as NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#state_focused, NoType:android/R$attr;Href=../../../../reference/android/R.attr.html#state_selected, etc.
Inflate(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet)
Inflate this Drawable from an XML resource.
Inflate(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme)
Inflate this Drawable from an XML resource optionally styled by a theme.
InflateAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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InflateAsync(Android.Content.Res.Resources, System.Xml.XmlReader, Android.Util.IAttributeSet, Android.Content.Res.Resources.Theme) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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Use the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation to have this Drawable redrawn.
If this Drawable does transition animations between states, ask that it immediately jump to the current state and skip any active animations.
Mutate() : Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable
Make this drawable mutable.
ResolveOpacity(int, int) : int
Return the appropriate opacity value for two source opacities.
ScheduleSelf(Java.Lang.IRunnable, long)
Use the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation to have this Drawable scheduled.
ScheduleSelf(Action, long)
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Specify an alpha value for the drawable. 0 means fully transparent, and 255 means fully opaque.
SetBounds(int, int, int, int)
Specify a bounding rectangle for the Drawable.
Bind a NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html object to this Drawable.
Specify an optional color filter for the drawable.
SetColorFilter(Color, PorterDuff.Mode)
Specify a color and Porter-Duff mode to be the color filter for this drawable.
Set to true to have the drawable dither its colors when drawn to a device with fewer than 8-bits per color component.
Set to true to have the drawable filter its bitmap when scaled or rotated (for drawables that use bitmaps).
SetHotspot(float, float)
Specifies the hotspot's location within the drawable.
SetHotspotBounds(int, int, int, int)
Sets the bounds to which the hotspot is constrained, if they should be different from the drawable bounds.
SetLevel(int) : bool
Specify the level for the drawable.
SetState(int[]) : bool
Specify a set of states for the drawable.
Specifies a tint for this drawable.
Specifies a tint for this drawable as a color state list.
Specifies a tint blending mode for this drawable.
SetVisible(bool, bool) : bool
Set whether this Drawable is visible.
Use the current NoType:android/graphics/drawable/Drawable$Callback;Href=../../../../reference/android/graphics/drawable/Drawable.Callback.html implementation to have this Drawable unscheduled.
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Protected Methods

Override this in your subclass to change appearance if you vary based on the bounds.
OnLevelChange(int) : bool
Override this in your subclass to change appearance if you vary based on level.
OnStateChange(int[]) : bool
Override this in your subclass to change appearance if you recognize the specified state.