Android.Graphics.Outline.Alpha Property
Returns the alpha represented by the Outline.


[get: Android.Runtime.Register("getAlpha", "()F", "GetGetAlphaHandler")]
[set: Android.Runtime.Register("setAlpha", "(F)V", "GetSetAlpha_FHandler")]
public float Alpha { get; set; }


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Get method documentation [Android Documentation]

Returns the alpha represented by the Outline.

Set method documentation [Android Documentation]

Sets the alpha represented by the Outline - the degree to which the producer is guaranteed to be opaque over the Outline's shape. An alpha value of 0.0f either represents completely transparent content, or content that isn't guaranteed to fill the shape it publishes. Content producing a fully opaque (alpha = 1.0f) outline is assumed by the drawing system to fully cover content beneath it, meaning content beneath may be optimized away.


Namespace: Android.Graphics
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: