The methods of System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ToolStripMenuItem Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDownItem
Creates a new accessibility object for the System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.
Creates a generic System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown for which events can be defined.
Releases the unmanaged resources used by the System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem and optionally releases the managed resources.
Raises the ToolStripMenuItem.CheckedChanged event.
Raises the ToolStripMenuItem.CheckStateChanged event.
Raises the ToolStripItem.Click event.
Raised in response to the ToolStripDropDownItem.HideDropDown method.
Raised in response to the ToolStripDropDownItem.ShowDropDown method.
Raises the Control.FontChanged event.
Raises the Control.MouseDown event.
Raises the Control.MouseEnter event.
Raises the Control.MouseLeave event.
Raises the ToolStripItem.MouseUp event.
Raises the ToolStripItem.OwnerChanged event.
Raises the Control.Paint event.
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Processes a mnemonic character.
Sets the size and location of the System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.