- c
- is the channel created at WifiP2pManager.Initialize(Android.Content.Context, Android.OS.Looper, Android.OS.Looper)
- config
- options as described in Android.Net.Wifi.P2p.WifiP2pConfig class
- listener
- for callbacks on success or failure. Can be null.
Start a p2p connection to a device with the specified configuration.
The function call immediately returns after sending a connection request to the framework. The application is notified of a success or failure to initiate connect through listener callbacks NoType:android/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager$ActionListener;Href=../../../../../reference/android/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager.ActionListener.html#onSuccess() or NoType:android/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager$ActionListener;Href=../../../../../reference/android/net/wifi/p2p/WifiP2pManager.ActionListener.html#onFailure(int).
Register for WifiP2pManager.WifiP2pConnectionChangedAction intent to determine when the framework notifies of a change in connectivity.
If the current device is not part of a p2p group, a connect request initiates a group negotiation with the peer.
If the current device is part of an existing p2p group or has created a p2p group with WifiP2pManager.CreateGroup(.Channel, .IActionListener), an invitation to join the group is sent to the peer device.