Android.Widget.TextView.SetError Method
Sets the right-hand compound drawable of the TextView to the specified icon and sets an error message that will be displayed in a popup when the TextView has focus.


[Android.Runtime.Register("setError", "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;Landroid/graphics/drawable/Drawable;)V", "GetSetError_Ljava_lang_CharSequence_Landroid_graphics_drawable_Drawable_Handler")]
public virtual void SetError (Java.Lang.ICharSequence error, Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable icon)


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Sets the right-hand compound drawable of the TextView to the specified icon and sets an error message that will be displayed in a popup when the TextView has focus. The icon and error message will be reset to null when any key events cause changes to the TextView's text. The drawable must already have had Android.Graphics.Drawables.Drawable.Bounds set on it. If the error is null, the error message will be cleared (and you should provide a null icon as well).

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Widget
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1