Android.Nfc Namespace

Provides access to Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality, allowing applications to read NDEF message in NFC tags.


Provides access to Near Field Communication (NFC) functionality, allowing applications to read NDEF message in NFC tags. A "tag" may actually be another device that appears as a tag.

For more information, see the Near Field Communication guide.

Here's a summary of the classes:

This is the high level manager, used to obtain this device's Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter. You can acquire an instance using Android.Content.Context.GetSystemService(string).
This represents the device's NFC adapter, which is your entry-point to performing NFC operations. You can acquire an instance with Android.Nfc.NfcManager.DefaultAdapter, or Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter.GetDefaultAdapter(Android.Content.Context).
Represents an NDEF data message, which is the standard format in which "records" carrying data are transmitted between devices and tags. Your application can receive these messages from an Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter.ActionTagDiscovered intent.
Represents a record, which is delivered in a Android.Nfc.NdefMessage and describes the type of data being shared and carries the data itself.

Note: Not all Android-powered devices provide NFC functionality.


FormatException [Android Documentation]
NdefMessageRepresents an immutable NDEF Message.
NdefMessage+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NdefRecordRepresents an immutable NDEF Record.
NdefRecord+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NfcAdapterRepresents the local NFC adapter.
NfcAdapter+ICreateBeamUrisCallbackDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NfcAdapter+ICreateNdefMessageCallbackA callback to be invoked when another NFC device capable of NDEF push (Android Beam) is within range.
NfcAdapter+IOnNdefPushCompleteCallbackA callback to be invoked when the system successfully delivers your Android.Nfc.NdefMessage to another device.
NfcAdapter+IReaderCallbackDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
NfcEventWraps information associated with any NFC event.
NfcManagerHigh level manager used to obtain an instance of an Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter.
NfcReaderFlagsEnumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Nfc.NfcAdapter.EnableReaderMode member.
TagRepresents an NFC tag that has been discovered.
Tag+InterfaceConstsDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
TagLostException [Android Documentation]