System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Ldarga Field

Load an argument address onto the evaluation stack.


public static readonly OpCode Ldarga


The following table lists the instruction's hexadecimal and Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) assembly format, along with a brief reference summary:

FE 0A < unsigned int16 >

ldarga index

Fetch the address of argument indexed by index.

The stack transitional behavior, in sequential order, is:

[The 'ordered' type of list has not been implemented in the ECMA stylesheet.]

The ldarga instruction fetches the address (of type *) of the argument indexed by index, where arguments are indexed from 0 onwards. The address addr is always aligned to a natural boundary on the target machine.

For procedures that take a variable-length argument list, the ldarga instruction can be used only for the initial fixed arguments, not those in the variable part of the signature.

ldarga is used for by-ref parameter passing. For other cases, OpCodes.Ldarg and OpCodes.Starg should be used.

The following ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode) method overload can use the ldarga opcode:

  • ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode, short)


Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,