See Also: Ndef Members
Provides access to NDEF content and operations on a Android.Nfc.Tag.
Acquire a Android.Nfc.Tech.Ndef object using Ndef.Get(Android.Nfc.Tag).
NDEF is an NFC Forum data format. The data formats are implemented in Android.Nfc.NdefMessage and Android.Nfc.NdefRecord. This class provides methods to retrieve and modify the Android.Nfc.NdefMessage on a tag.
There are currently four NFC Forum standardized tag types that can be formatted to contain NDEF data.
Some vendors have there own well defined specifications for storing NDEF data on tags that do not fall into the above categories. Android devices with NFC should enumerate and implement Android.Nfc.Tech.Ndef under these vendor specifications where possible, but it is not mandatory. Ndef.Type returns a String describing this specification, for example Ndef.MifareClassic is com.nxp.ndef.mifareclassic.
Android devices that support MIFARE Classic must also correctly implement Android.Nfc.Tech.Ndef on MIFARE Classic tags formatted to NDEF.
For guaranteed compatibility across all Android devices with NFC, it is recommended to use NFC Forum Types 1-4 in new deployments of NFC tags with NDEF payload. Vendor NDEF formats will not work on all Android devices.
Note: Methods that perform I/O operations require the NoType:android/Manifest$permission;Href=../../../../reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#NFC permission.