System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName Property

Gets or sets the name of the application to store and retrieve membership information for.


public override string ApplicationName { set; get; }


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The SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName is used by the System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider to group user information. By qualifying user information with an application name, you can store information for multiple applications in a single database without running into conflicts between duplicate user names. Also, multiple ASP.NET applications can use the same user database by specifying the same value in the SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property. The SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property can be set programmatically, or it can be set declaratively in the configuration file for the Web application with the applicationName attribute.

If a value is not specified for the applicationName attribute in the configuration file for the Web application, then the System.Web.HttpRequest.ApplicationPath property value for the first request made to the application is used.


Because a single default membership provider instance is used for all of the requests served by an System.Web.HttpApplication object, you can have multiple requests executing concurrently and attempting to set the SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property value. The SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property is not thread safe for multiple writes, and changing the SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property value can result in unexpected behavior for multiple users of an application. We recommend that you avoid writing code to allow users to set the SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property unless you must. An example of an application where setting the SqlMembershipProvider.ApplicationName property may be required is an administrative application that manages membership data for multiple applications. Such an application should be a single-user application and not a Web application.


Namespace: System.Web.Security
Assembly: System.Web (in System.Web.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: .NET 2.0