Android.Media.ImageReader Class

See Also: ImageReader Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/media/ImageReader", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class ImageReader : Java.Lang.Object


The ImageReader class allows direct application access to image data rendered into a Android.Views.Surface

Several Android media API classes accept Surface objects as targets to render to, including Android.Media.MediaPlayer, Android.Media.MediaCodec, Android.Hardware.Camera2.CameraDevice, and Android.Renderscripts.Allocation. The image sizes and formats that can be used with each source vary, and should be checked in the documentation for the specific API.

The image data is encapsulated in Android.Media.Image objects, and multiple such objects can be accessed at the same time, up to the number specified by the maxImages constructor parameter. New images sent to an ImageReader through its Android.Views.Surface are queued until accessed through the ImageReader.AcquireLatestImage or ImageReader.AcquireNextImage call. Due to memory limits, an image source will eventually stall or drop Images in trying to render to the Surface if the ImageReader does not obtain and release Images at a rate equal to the production rate.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Media
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: