The fields of Android.App.Notification are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Notification Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
const | CategoryAlarm | string. Notification category: alarm or timer. |
const | CategoryCall | string. Notification category: incoming call (voice or video) or similar synchronous communication request. |
const | CategoryEmail | string. Notification category: asynchronous bulk message (email). |
const | CategoryError | string. Notification category: error in background operation or authentication status. |
const | CategoryEvent | string. Notification category: calendar event. |
const | CategoryMessage | string. Notification category: incoming direct message (SMS, instant message, etc. |
const | CategoryProgress | string. Notification category: progress of a long-running background operation. |
const | CategoryPromo | string. Notification category: promotion or advertisement. |
const | CategoryRecommendation | string. Notification category: a specific, timely recommendation for a single thing. |
const | CategoryService | string. Notification category: indication of running background service. |
const | CategorySocial | string. Notification category: social network or sharing update. |
const | CategoryStatus | string. Notification category: ongoing information about device or contextual status. |
const | CategorySystem | string. Notification category: system or device status update. |
const | CategoryTransport | string. Notification category: media transport control for playback. |
const | ColorDefault | int (0). Special value of Notification.Color telling the system not to decorate this notification with any special color but instead use default colors when presenting this notification. |
const | ExtraBackgroundImageUri | string. Notification.Extras key: A Android.Content.ContentUris pointing to an image that can be displayed in the background when the notification is selected. |
const | ExtraBigText | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the longer text shown in the big form of a Android.App.Notification.BigTextStyle notification, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigTextStyle.BigText(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | ExtraCompactActions | string. Notification.Extras key: the indices of actions to be shown in the compact view, as supplied to (e.g.) Android.App.Notification.MediaStyle.SetShowActionsInCompactView(Int32[]). |
const | ExtraInfoText | string. Notification.Extras key: this is a small piece of additional text as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetContentInfo(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | ExtraLargeIcon | string. Notification.Extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the small icon when showing the notification payload, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetLargeIcon(Android.Graphics.Bitmap). |
const | ExtraLargeIconBig | string. Notification.Extras key: this is a bitmap to be used instead of the one from Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetLargeIcon(Android.Graphics.Bitmap) when the notification is shown in its expanded form, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigPictureStyle.BigLargeIcon(Android.Graphics.Bitmap). |
const | ExtraMediaSession | string. Notification.Extras key: A Android.Media.Session.MediaSession.Token associated with a Android.App.Notification.MediaStyle notification. |
const | ExtraPeople | string. Notification.Extras key: A String array containing the people that this notification relates to, each of which was supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.AddPerson(string). |
const | ExtraPicture | string. Notification.Extras key: this is a bitmap to be shown in Android.App.Notification.BigPictureStyle expanded notifications, supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigPictureStyle.BigPicture(Android.Graphics.Bitmap). |
const | ExtraProgress | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the progress value supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetProgress(int, int, bool). |
const | ExtraProgressIndeterminate | string. Notification.Extras key: whether the progress bar is indeterminate, supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetProgress(int, int, bool). |
const | ExtraProgressMax | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the maximum value supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetProgress(int, int, bool). |
const | ExtraShowChronometer | string. Notification.Extras key: whether Notification.When should be shown as a count-up timer (specifically a Android.Widget.Chronometer) instead of a timestamp, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetUsesChronometer(bool). |
const | ExtraShowWhen | string. Notification.Extras key: whether Notification.When should be shown, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetShowWhen(bool). |
const | ExtraSmallIcon | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the resource ID of the notification's main small icon, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetSmallIcon(int). |
const | ExtraSubText | string. Notification.Extras key: this is a third line of text, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetSubText(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | ExtraSummaryText | string. Notification.Extras key: this is a line of summary information intended to be shown alongside expanded notifications. |
const | ExtraTemplate | string. Notification.Extras key: A string representing the name of the specific Android.App.Notification.Style used to create this notification. |
const | ExtraText | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the main text payload, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetContentText(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | ExtraTextLines | string. Notification.Extras key: an array of CharSequences to show in Android.App.Notification.InboxStyle expanded notifications, each of which was supplied to Android.App.Notification.InboxStyle.AddLine(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | ExtraTitle | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the title of the notification, as supplied to Android.App.Notification.Builder.SetContentTitle(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | ExtraTitleBig | string. Notification.Extras key: this is the title of the notification when shown in expanded form, e.g. as supplied to Android.App.Notification.BigTextStyle.SetBigContentTitle(Java.Lang.ICharSequence). |
const | IntentCategoryNotificationPreferences | string. An activity that provides a user interface for adjusting notification preferences for its containing application. |
const | PriorityDefault | NotificationPriority (0). Default notification Notification.Priority. |
const | PriorityHigh | NotificationPriority (1). Higher Notification.Priority, for more important notifications or alerts. |
const | PriorityLow | NotificationPriority (-1). Lower Notification.Priority, for items that are less important. |
const | PriorityMax | NotificationPriority (2). Highest Notification.Priority. For your application's most important notifications, such as notifications that require the user's prompt attention or input. |
const | PriorityMin | NotificationPriority (-2). Lowest Notification.Priority. These notifications might not be shown to the user except under special circumstances, such as displaying detailed notification logs. |