System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter: Method Members

The methods of System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter are listed below. For a list of all members, see the XmlSerializationWriter Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationGeneratedCode

Protected Methods

AddWriteCallback(Type, string, string, XmlSerializationWriteCallback)

Stores an implementation of the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback delegate and the type it applies to, for a later invocation.

CreateChoiceIdentifierValueException(string, string, string, string) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates an unexpected name for an element that adheres to an XML Schema choice element declaration.

CreateInvalidAnyTypeException(object) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute which has been invalidly applied to a member; only members that are of type System.Xml.XmlNode, or derived from System.Xml.XmlNode, are valid.

CreateInvalidAnyTypeException(Type) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute which has been invalidly applied to a member; only members that are of type System.Xml.XmlNode, or derived from System.Xml.XmlNode, are valid.

CreateInvalidChoiceIdentifierValueException(string, string) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates a failure while writing an array where an XML Schema choice element declaration is applied.

CreateInvalidEnumValueException(object, string) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException for an invalid enumeration value.

CreateMismatchChoiceException(string, string, string) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates that a value for an XML element does not match an enumeration type.

CreateUnknownAnyElementException(string, string) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates that an XML element that should adhere to the XML Schema any element declaration cannot be processed.

CreateUnknownTypeException(object) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates that a type being serialized is not being used in a valid manner or is unexpectedly encountered.

CreateUnknownTypeException(Type) : Exception

Creates an InvalidOperationException that indicates that a type being serialized is not being used in a valid manner or is unexpectedly encountered.

FromByteArrayBase64(byte[]) : byte[]

Processes a base-64 byte array.

FromByteArrayHex(byte[]) : string

Produces a string from an input hexadecimal byte array.

FromChar(char) : string

Produces a string from an input char.

FromDate(DateTime) : string

Produces a string from a DateTime object.

FromDateTime(DateTime) : string

Produces a string from an input DateTime.

FromEnum(long, string[], long[]) : string

Produces a string that consists of delimited identifiers that represent the enumeration members that have been set.

FromEnum(long, string[], long[], string) : string

Takes a numeric enumeration value and the names and constants from the enumerator list for the enumeration and returns a string that consists of delimited identifiers that represent the enumeration members that have been set.

FromTime(DateTime) : string

Produces a string from a DateTime object.

FromXmlName(string) : string

Encodes a valid XML name by replacing characters that are not valid with escape sequences.

FromXmlNCName(string) : string

Encodes a valid XML local name by replacing characters that are not valid with escape sequences.

FromXmlNmToken(string) : string

Encodes an XML name.

FromXmlNmTokens(string) : string

Encodes a space-delimited sequence of XML names into a single XML name.

FromXmlQualifiedName(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName) : string

Returns an XML qualified name, with invalid characters replaced by escape sequences.

FromXmlQualifiedName(System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName, bool) : string

Produces a string that can be written as an XML qualified name, with invalid characters replaced by escape sequences.


Initializes an instances of the System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback delegate to serialize SOAP-encoded XML data.

ResolveDynamicAssembly(string) : System.Reflection.Assembly

Gets a dynamically generated assembly by name.


Initializes object references only while serializing a SOAP-encoded SOAP message.

WriteAttribute(string, byte[])

Instructs an System.Xml.XmlWriter object to write an XML attribute that has no namespace specified for its name.

WriteAttribute(string, string)

Instructs the System.Xml.XmlWriter to write an XML attribute that has no namespace specified for its name.

WriteAttribute(string, string, byte[])

Instructs an System.Xml.XmlWriter object to write an XML attribute.

WriteAttribute(string, string, string)

Writes an XML attribute.

WriteAttribute(string, string, string, string)

Writes an XML attribute where the namespace prefix is provided manually.

WriteElementEncoded(System.Xml.XmlNode, string, string, bool, bool)

Writes an XML node object within the body of a named XML element.

WriteElementLiteral(System.Xml.XmlNode, string, string, bool, bool)

Instructs an System.Xml.XmlWriter object to write an System.Xml.XmlNode object within the body of a named XML element.

WriteElementQualifiedName(string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified qualified name in its body.

WriteElementQualifiedName(string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified qualified name in its body.

WriteElementQualifiedName(string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified qualified name in its body.

WriteElementQualifiedName(string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified qualified name in its body.

WriteElementString(string, string)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementString(string, string, string)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementString(string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementString(string, string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, byte[])

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, string)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, byte[], System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, string, byte[])

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, string, string)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, string, byte[], System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.

WriteElementStringRaw(string, string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element with a specified value in its body.


Writes an XML element whose body is empty.

WriteEmptyTag(string, string)

Writes an XML element whose body is empty.


Writes a <closing> element tag.


Writes a <closing> element tag.


Writes an id attribute that appears in a SOAP-encoded multiRef element.


Writes the namespace declaration attributes.

WriteNullableQualifiedNameEncoded(string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element whose body contains a valid XML qualified name. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableQualifiedNameLiteral(string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element whose body contains a valid XML qualified name. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableStringEncoded(string, string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element that contains a string as the body. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableStringEncodedRaw(string, string, byte[], System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes a byte array as the body of an XML element. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableStringEncodedRaw(string, string, string, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName)

Writes an XML element that contains a string as the body. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableStringLiteral(string, string, string)

Writes an XML element that contains a string as the body. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableStringLiteralRaw(string, string, byte[])

Writes a byte array as the body of an XML element. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts an xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.

WriteNullableStringLiteralRaw(string, string, string)

Writes an XML element that contains a string as the body. System.Xml.XmlWriter inserts a xsi:nil='true' attribute if the string's value is null.


Writes an XML element with an xsi:nil='true' attribute.

WriteNullTagEncoded(string, string)

Writes an XML element with an xsi:nil='true' attribute.


Writes an XML element with an xsi:nil='true' attribute.

WriteNullTagLiteral(string, string)

Writes an XML element with an xsi:nil='true' attribute.

WritePotentiallyReferencingElement(string, string, object)

Writes a SOAP message XML element that can contain a reference to a <multiRef> XML element for a given object.

WritePotentiallyReferencingElement(string, string, object, Type)

Writes a SOAP message XML element that can contain a reference to a <multiRef> XML element for a given object.

WritePotentiallyReferencingElement(string, string, object, Type, bool)

Writes a SOAP message XML element that can contain a reference to a <multiRef> XML element for a given object.

WritePotentiallyReferencingElement(string, string, object, Type, bool, bool)

Writes a SOAP message XML element that can contain a reference to a multiRef XML element for a given object.


Serializes objects into SOAP-encoded multiRef XML elements in a SOAP message.

WriteReferencingElement(string, string, object)

Writes a SOAP message XML element that contains a reference to a multiRef element for a given object.

WriteReferencingElement(string, string, object, bool)

Writes a SOAP message XML element that contains a reference to a multiRef element for a given object.

WriteRpcResult(string, string)

Writes a SOAP 1.2 RPC result element with a specified qualified name in its body.

WriteSerializable(IXmlSerializable, string, string, bool)

Writes an object that uses custom XML formatting as an XML element.

WriteSerializable(IXmlSerializable, string, string, bool, bool)

Instructs System.Xml.XmlNode to write an object that uses custom XML formatting as an XML element.


Writes the XML declaration if the writer is positioned at the start of an XML document.


Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.

WriteStartElement(string, string)

Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.

WriteStartElement(string, string, bool)

Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.

WriteStartElement(string, string, object)

Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.

WriteStartElement(string, string, object, bool)

Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.

WriteStartElement(string, string, object, bool, XmlSerializerNamespaces)

Writes an opening element tag, including any attributes.

WriteTypedPrimitive(string, string, object, bool)

Writes an XML element whose text body is a value of a simple XML Schema data type.


Writes a base-64 byte array.


Writes a specified string value.


Writes the specified System.Xml.XmlNode as an XML attribute.

WriteXmlAttribute(System.Xml.XmlNode, object)

Writes the specified System.Xml.XmlNode object as an XML attribute.

WriteXsiType(string, string)

Writes an xsi:type attribute for an XML element that is being serialized into a document.