The methods of Android.Provider.Browser are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Browser Members list.
See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object
static | AddSearchUrl(Android.Content.ContentResolver, string)Add a search string to the searches database. | |
static | CanClearHistory(Android.Content.ContentResolver)Returns whether there is any history to clear. | |
static | ClearHistory(Android.Content.ContentResolver)Delete all entries from the bookmarks/history table which are not bookmarks. | |
static | ClearSearches(Android.Content.ContentResolver)Remove all searches from the search database. | |
static | DeleteFromHistory(Android.Content.ContentResolver, string)Remove a specific url from the history database. | |
static | DeleteHistoryTimeFrame(Android.Content.ContentResolver, long, long)Delete all history items from begin to end. | |
static | GetAllBookmarks(Android.Content.ContentResolver)Return a cursor pointing to a list of all the bookmarks. | |
static | GetAllVisitedUrls(Android.Content.ContentResolver)Return a cursor pointing to a list of all visited site urls. | |
static | RequestAllIcons(Android.Content.ContentResolver, string, Android.Webkit.WebIconDatabase.IIconListener)Request all icons from the database. | |
static | SaveBookmark(Android.Content.Context, string, string)Open an activity to save a bookmark. | |
static | SendString(Android.Content.Context, string)Sends the given string using an Intent with Android.Content.Intent.ActionSend and a mime type of text/plain. | |
static | TruncateHistory(Android.Content.ContentResolver)If there are more than MAX_HISTORY_COUNT non-bookmark history items in the bookmark/history table, delete TRUNCATE_N_OLDEST of them. | |
static | UpdateVisitedHistory(Android.Content.ContentResolver, string, bool)Update the visited history to acknowledge that a site has been visited. |