Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetManager.ActionAppwidgetUpdate Field
Sent when it is time to update your AppWidget.


public const string ActionAppwidgetUpdate

See Also

AppWidgetProvider.OnUpdate(Android.Content.Context, Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetManager, Android.Appwidget.AppWidgetManager)


Sent when it is time to update your AppWidget.

This may be sent in response to a new instance for this AppWidget provider having been instantiated, the requested AppWidgetProviderInfo.UpdatePeriodMillis having lapsed, or the system booting.

The intent will contain the following extras:
AppWidgetManager.ExtraAppwidgetIdsThe appWidgetIds to update. This may be all of the AppWidgets created for this provider, or just a subset. The system tries to send updates for as few AppWidget instances as possible.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Appwidget
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 3