Android.Views.TextDirection Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types.


public enum TextDirection


Enumerates value returned by the following: .


Member NameDescription
AnyRtlText direction is using "any-RTL" algorithm. The paragraph direction is RTL if it contains any strong RTL character, otherwise it is LTR if it contains any strong LTR characters. If there are neither, the paragraph direction is the view's resolved layout direction.
FirstStrongText direction is using "first strong algorithm". The first strong directional character determines the paragraph direction. If there is no strong directional character, the paragraph direction is the view's resolved layout direction.
InheritText direction is inherited thru Android.Views.ViewGroup
LocaleText direction is coming from the system Locale.
LtrText direction is forced to LTR.
RtlText direction is forced to RTL.


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: