Gnome.Vfs.Result Enumeration
Enumeration containing result codes for gnome-vfs operations.


public enum Result


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Member NameDescription
OkNo error.
ErrorNotFoundFile not found.
ErrorGenericGeneric error.
ErrorInternalInternal error.
ErrorBadParametersInvalid parameters.
ErrorNotSupportedUnsupported operation.
ErrorIoI/O error.
ErrorCorruptedDataData corrupted.
ErrorWrongFormatFormat not valid.
ErrorBadFileBad file handle.
ErrorTooBigFile too big.
ErrorNoSpaceNo space left on device.
ErrorReadOnlyRead-only file system.
ErrorInvalidUriInvalid Gnome.Vfs.Uri.
ErrorNotOpenFile not open.
ErrorInvalidOpenModeOpen mode not valid.
ErrorAccessDeniedAccess denied.
ErrorTooManyOpenFilesToo many open files.
ErrorEofEnd of file.
ErrorNotADirectoryNot a directory.
ErrorInProgressOperation in progress.
ErrorInterruptedOperation interrupted.
ErrorFileExistsFile exists.
ErrorLoopLooping links encountered.
ErrorNotPermittedOperation not permitted.
ErrorIsDirectoryIs a directory.
ErrorNoMemoryNot enough memory.
ErrorHostNotFoundHost not found.
ErrorInvalidHostNameHost name not valid.
ErrorHostHasNoAddressHost has no address.
ErrorLoginFailedLogin failed.
ErrorCancelledOperation cancelled.
ErrorDirectoryBusyDirectory busy.
ErrorDirectoryNotEmptyDirectory not empty.
Too many links.
ErrorReadOnlyFileSystemRead only file system.
ErrorNotSameFileSystemNot on the same file system.
ErrorNameTooLongName too long.
ErrorServiceNotAvailableService not available.
ErrorServiceObsoleteRequest obsoletes service's data.
ErrorProtocolErrorProtocol error.
ErrorNoMasterBrowserCould not find master browser.
ErrorNoDefaultNo default action associated.
ErrorNoHandlerNo handler for URL scheme.
ErrorParseError parsing command line.
ErrorLaunchError launching command.
NumErrorsNumber of errors.
ErrorTimeoutDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ErrorNameserverDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ErrorLockedDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ErrorDeprecatedFunctionDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ErrorInvalidFilenameDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Namespace: Gnome.Vfs
Assembly: gnome-vfs-sharp (in gnome-vfs-sharp.dll)
Assembly Versions: