Android.OS.Binder Class
Base class for a remotable object, the core part of a lightweight remote procedure call mechanism defined by Android.OS.BinderConsts.

See Also: Binder Members


[Android.Runtime.Register("android/os/Binder", DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
public class Binder : Java.Lang.Object, IBinder, IDisposable


Base class for a remotable object, the core part of a lightweight remote procedure call mechanism defined by Android.OS.BinderConsts. This class is an implementation of IBinder that provides standard local implementation of such an object.

Most developers will not implement this class directly, instead using the aidl tool to describe the desired interface, having it generate the appropriate Binder subclass. You can, however, derive directly from Binder to implement your own custom RPC protocol or simply instantiate a raw Binder object directly to use as a token that can be shared across processes.

This class is just a basic IPC primitive; it has no impact on an application's lifecycle, and is valid only as long as the process that created it continues to run. To use this correctly, you must be doing so within the context of a top-level application component (a Android.App.Service, Android.App.Activity, or Android.Content.ContentProvider) that lets the system know your process should remain running.

You must keep in mind the situations in which your process could go away, and thus require that you later re-create a new Binder and re-attach it when the process starts again. For example, if you are using this within an Android.App.Activity, your activity's process may be killed any time the activity is not started; if the activity is later re-created you will need to create a new Binder and hand it back to the correct place again; you need to be aware that your process may be started for another reason (for example to receive a broadcast) that will not involve re-creating the activity and thus run its code to create a new Binder.

See Also

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.OS
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1