System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition Class

Determines whether an assembly belongs to a code group by testing its application directory. This class cannot be inherited.

See Also: ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition Members


public sealed class ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition : IConstantMembershipCondition, IMembershipCondition


System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition determines whether an System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory ApplicationDirectory.Directory property contains the assembly URL evidence path. For example, if the System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory is C:\app1, assemblies with URL evidence such as C:\app1, C:\app1\main.aspx, C:\app1\folder1, or C:\app1\folder1\main1.aspx match this membership condition. Code that is not in the C:\app1 directory or in one of its subdirectories fails this membership condition test.

Code without either System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory or System.Security.Policy.Url evidence always fails this membership condition test.


The membership condition is determined by the URL evidence for the application. You cannot configure the System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition object; it is predetermined by the location of the application.


Namespace: System.Security.Policy
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,