Android.Content.RestrictionEntryType Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the Android.Content.RestrictionEntry..ctor member.


public enum RestrictionEntryType


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the Android.Content.RestrictionEntry..ctor member.


Member NameDescription
BooleanA type of restriction. Use this for storing a boolean value, typically presented as a checkbox in the UI.
ChoiceA type of restriction. Use this for storing a string value, typically presented as a single-select list. Call RestrictionEntry.SetChoiceEntries(String[]) and RestrictionEntry.SetChoiceValues(String[]) to set the localized list entries to present to the user and the corresponding values, respectively.
IntegerDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
MultiSelectA type of restriction. Use this for presenting a multi-select list where more than one entry can be selected, such as for choosing specific titles to white-list. Call RestrictionEntry.SetChoiceEntries(String[]) and RestrictionEntry.SetChoiceValues(String[]) to set the localized list entries to present to the user and the corresponding values, respectively. Use RestrictionEntry.GetAllSelectedStrings and RestrictionEntry.SetAllSelectedStrings(String[]) to manipulate the selections.
NullA type of restriction. Use this type for information that needs to be transferred across but shouldn't be presented to the user in the UI. Stores a single String value.
StringDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Namespace: Android.Content
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: