Android.Media.MediaMetadataRetriever Members

The members of Android.Media.MediaMetadataRetriever are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from Java.Lang.Object

Public Constructors

Protected Constructors

A constructor used when creating managed representations of JNI objects; called by the runtime.

Public Fields

MetadataKeyAlbumMetadataKey (1). The metadata key to retrieve the information about the album title of the data source.
MetadataKeyAlbumartistMetadataKey (13). The metadata key to retrieve the information about the performers or artist associated with the data source.
MetadataKeyArtistMetadataKey (2). The metadata key to retrieve the information about the artist of the data source.
MetadataKeyAuthorMetadataKey (3). The metadata key to retrieve the information about the author of the data source.
MetadataKeyBitrateMetadataKey (20). This key retrieves the average bitrate (in bits/sec), if available.
MetadataKeyCdTrackNumberMetadataKey (0). The metadata key to retrieve the numeric string describing the order of the audio data source on its original recording.
MetadataKeyCompilationMetadataKey (15). The metadata key to retrieve the music album compilation status.
MetadataKeyComposerMetadataKey (4). The metadata key to retrieve the information about the composer of the data source.
MetadataKeyDateMetadataKey (5). The metadata key to retrieve the date when the data source was created or modified.
MetadataKeyDiscNumberMetadataKey (14). The metadata key to retrieve the numberic string that describes which part of a set the audio data source comes from.
MetadataKeyDurationMetadataKey (9). The metadata key to retrieve the playback duration of the data source.
MetadataKeyGenreMetadataKey (6). The metadata key to retrieve the content type or genre of the data source.
MetadataKeyHasAudioMetadataKey (16). If this key exists the media contains audio content.
MetadataKeyHasVideoMetadataKey (17). If this key exists the media contains video content.
MetadataKeyLocationMetadataKey (23). This key retrieves the location information, if available.
MetadataKeyMimetypeMetadataKey (12). The metadata key to retrieve the mime type of the data source.
MetadataKeyNumTracksMetadataKey (10). The metadata key to retrieve the number of tracks, such as audio, video, text, in the data source, such as a mp4 or 3gpp file.
MetadataKeyTitleMetadataKey (7). The metadata key to retrieve the data source title.
MetadataKeyVideoHeightMetadataKey (19). If the media contains video, this key retrieves its height.
MetadataKeyVideoRotationMetadataKey (24). This key retrieves the video rotation angle in degrees, if available.
MetadataKeyVideoWidthMetadataKey (18). If the media contains video, this key retrieves its width.
MetadataKeyWriterMetadataKey (11). The metadata key to retrieve the information of the writer (such as lyricist) of the data source.
MetadataKeyYearMetadataKey (8). The metadata key to retrieve the year when the data source was created or modified.
OptionClosestOption (3). This option is used with MediaMetadataRetriever.GetFrameAtTime(long, Android.Media.Option) to retrieve a frame (not necessarily a key frame) associated with a data source that is located closest to or at the given time.
OptionClosestSyncOption (2). This option is used with MediaMetadataRetriever.GetFrameAtTime(long, Android.Media.Option) to retrieve a sync (or key) frame associated with a data source that is located closest to (in time) or at the given time.
OptionNextSyncOption (1). This option is used with MediaMetadataRetriever.GetFrameAtTime(long, Android.Media.Option) to retrieve a sync (or key) frame associated with a data source that is located right after or at the given time.
OptionPreviousSyncOption (0). This option is used with MediaMetadataRetriever.GetFrameAtTime(long, Android.Media.Option) to retrieve a sync (or key) frame associated with a data source that is located right before or at the given time.

Public Properties

FrameAtTimeAndroid.Graphics.Bitmap. Call this method after setDataSource().

Protected Properties

ThresholdClassIntPtr. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
ThresholdTypeType. This API supports the Mono for Android infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Public Methods

ExtractMetadata(MetadataKey) : string
Call this method after setDataSource().
ExtractMetadata(int) : string
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GetEmbeddedPicture() : byte[]
Call this method after setDataSource().
GetFrameAtTime(long) : Android.Graphics.Bitmap
Call this method after setDataSource().
GetFrameAtTime(long, Option) : Android.Graphics.Bitmap
Call this method after setDataSource().
GetFrameAtTime(long, int) : Android.Graphics.Bitmap
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Call it when one is done with the object.
Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use.
Sets the data source (file pathname) to use.
SetDataSource(Android.Content.Context, Android.Net.Uri)
Sets the data source as a content Uri.
SetDataSource(string, IDictionary<string, string>)
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SetDataSource(Java.IO.FileDescriptor, long, long)
Sets the data source (FileDescriptor) to use.
SetDataSourceAsync(Java.IO.FileDescriptor) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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SetDataSourceAsync(string) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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SetDataSourceAsync(Android.Content.Context, Android.Net.Uri) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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SetDataSourceAsync(string, IDictionary<string, string>) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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SetDataSourceAsync(Java.IO.FileDescriptor, long, long) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
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