System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes.Ldtoken Field

Converts a metadata token to its runtime representation, pushing it onto the evaluation stack.


public static readonly OpCode Ldtoken


The following table lists the instruction's hexadecimal and Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) assembly format, along with a brief reference summary:

D0 < T >

ldtoken token

Converts a metadata token to its runtime representation.

The stack transitional behavior, in sequential order, is:

[The 'ordered' type of list has not been implemented in the ECMA stylesheet.]

The ldtoken instruction pushes a RuntimeHandle for the specified metadata token. A RuntimeHandle can be a fieldref/fielddef, a methodref/methoddef, or a typeref/typedef.

The value pushed on the stack can be used in calls to Reflection methods in the system class library.

For information on runtime handles, see the following classes: RuntimeFieldHandle, RuntimeTypeHandle, and RuntimeMethodHandle.

The following ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode) method overloads can use the ldtoken opcode:

  • ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode, MethodInfo)

  • ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode, FieldInfo)

  • ILGenerator.Emit(OpCode, Type)


Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,