UIKit.UITableViewController Members

The members of UIKit.UITableViewController are listed below.

See Also: Inherited members from UIKit.UIViewController

Public Constructors

Default constructor that initializes a new instance of this class with no parameters.
A constructor that initializes the object from the data stored in the unarchiver object.
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Protected Constructors

Constructor to call on derived classes to skip initialization and merely allocate the object.
A constructor used when creating managed representations of unmanaged objects; Called by the runtime.

Public Properties

ClassHandleIntPtr. The handle for this class.
ClearsSelectionOnViewWillAppearbool. Whether the selection should be cleared when the table appears.
RefreshControlUIRefreshControl. The UIKit.UIRefreshControl used to update the table contents.
TableViewUITableView. A reference to the UIKit.UITableView that is managed by the controller.

Public Methods

AccessoryButtonTapped(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the accessory button was pressed.
AccessoryForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCellAccessory
The accessory UIView for the specified row.
CanEditRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the specified row can be edited.
CanMoveRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the specified row can be moved.
CanPerformAction(UITableView, ObjCRuntime.Selector, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSObject) : bool
Whether the edit menu should have Copy and Paste commands for the specified row.
CellDisplayingEnded(UITableView, UITableViewCell, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that cell displayed has completed.
CommitEditingStyle(UITableView, UITableViewCellEditingStyle, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Commits the insertion or deletion at the specified row.
CustomizeMoveTarget(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Can be used to override the user's choice of location.
DidEndEditing(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that editing has completed.
EditActionsForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewRowAction[]
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EditingStyleForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCellEditingStyle
The UITableViewCellEditingStyle for the specified row.
EstimatedHeight(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : nfloat
Estimates the height of a row, using minimal computation. Called frequently.
EstimatedHeightForFooter(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
Estimates the height for footer views, using minimal computation.
EstimatedHeightForHeader(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
Estimates the height for header views, using minimal computation.
FooterViewDisplayingEnded(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Indicates that the display of footer views has completed.
GetCell(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : UITableViewCell
Retrieves the UITableViewCell at the specified index.
GetHeightForFooter(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
The height for the specified footer view.
GetHeightForHeader(UITableView, nint) : nfloat
The height for the specified header view.
GetHeightForRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : nfloat
The height for the specified row.
GetViewForFooter(UITableView, nint) : UIView
The UIView used for the footer.
GetViewForHeader(UITableView, nint) : UIView
The UIView used for the header.
HeaderViewDisplayingEnded(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Indicates that the display of header views has completed.
IndentationLevel(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : nint
The indentation level for the specified row.
MoveRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Moves the specified row to the specified index.
NumberOfSections(UITableView) : nint
The number of section in the UITableView.
PerformAction(UITableView, ObjCRuntime.Selector, Foundation.NSIndexPath, Foundation.NSObject)
Performs a copy or paste on the content of the specified row.
RowDeselected(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the specified row has been deselected.
RowHighlighted(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the specified row has been highlighted.
RowSelected(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the specified row has been selected.
RowsInSection(UITableView, nint) : nint
The number of rows in the specified section.
RowUnhighlighted(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that the specified row has been unhighlighted.
SectionFor(UITableView, string, nint) : nint
The index of the section for the specified title and section title index.
SectionIndexTitles(UITableView) : string[]
The section title indices for the UITableView.
ShouldHighlightRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the specified row should be highlighted.
ShouldIndentWhileEditing(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the specified row should be indented during an editing operation.
ShouldShowMenu(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : bool
Whether the editing menu should be shown for the specified row.
TitleForDeleteConfirmation(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : string
The title for the delete-confirmation button.
TitleForFooter(UITableView, nint) : string
The title for the footer view in the specified section.
TitleForHeader(UITableView, nint) : string
The title for the header view in the specified section.
WillBeginEditing(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that editing is about to begin.
WillDeselectRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Indicates that a row is about to be deselected.
WillDisplay(UITableView, UITableViewCell, Foundation.NSIndexPath)
Indicates that a cell is about to be displayed.
WillDisplayFooterView(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Indicates that a footer view is about to be displayed.
WillDisplayHeaderView(UITableView, UIView, nint)
Indicates that a header view is about to be displayed.
WillSelectRow(UITableView, Foundation.NSIndexPath) : Foundation.NSIndexPath
Indicates that a row is about to be selected.

Protected Methods

Releases the resources used by the UITableViewController object.