Android.Media.RemoteControlFlags Enumeration
Enumerates values returned by several types and taken as a parameter of the RemoteControlClient.SetTransportControlFlags, Android.Media.RemoteController.ClientTransportControlUpdateEventArgs..ctor, and RemoteController.IOnClientUpdateListener.OnClientTransportControlUpdate members.


public enum RemoteControlFlags


Enumerates values returned by the following: and taken as a parameter of the RemoteControlClient.SetTransportControlFlags, Android.Media.RemoteController.ClientTransportControlUpdateEventArgs..ctor, and RemoteController.IOnClientUpdateListener.OnClientTransportControlUpdate members.


Member NameDescription
FastForwardFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "fast forward" media key.
NextFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "next" media key.
PauseFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "pause" media key.
PlayFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "play" media key.
PlayPauseFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "play/pause" media key.
PositionUpdateFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient can receive changes in the media playback position through the Android.Media.RemoteControlClient.IOnPlaybackPositionUpdateListener interface. This flag must be set in order for components that display the RemoteControlClient information, to display and let the user control media playback position.
PreviousFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "previous" media key.
RatingDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
RewindFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "rewind" media key.
StopFlag indicating a RemoteControlClient makes use of the "stop" media key.


Namespace: Android.Media
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions: