Android.Views.View.DispatchApplyWindowInsets Method
Request to apply the given window insets to this view or another view in its subtree.


[Android.Runtime.Register("dispatchApplyWindowInsets", "(Landroid/view/WindowInsets;)Landroid/view/WindowInsets;", "GetDispatchApplyWindowInsets_Landroid_view_WindowInsets_Handler")]
public virtual WindowInsets DispatchApplyWindowInsets (WindowInsets insets)


Insets to apply


Documentation for this section has not yet been entered.


Request to apply the given window insets to this view or another view in its subtree.

This method should be called by clients wishing to apply insets corresponding to areas obscured by window decorations or overlays. This can include the status and navigation bars, action bars, input methods and more. New inset categories may be added in the future. The method returns the insets provided minus any that were applied by this view or its children.

Clients wishing to provide custom behavior should override the View.OnApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets) method or alternatively provide a NoType:android/view/View$OnApplyWindowInsetsListener;Href=../../../reference/android/view/View.OnApplyWindowInsetsListener.html via the View.SetOnApplyWindowInsetsListener(.IOnApplyWindowInsetsListener) method.

This method replaces the older View.FitSystemWindows(Android.Graphics.Rect) method.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Android.Views
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1