Java.Nio.Charset.CharsetDecoder.DecodeLoop Method
Decodes bytes into characters.


[Android.Runtime.Register("decodeLoop", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/CharBuffer;)Ljava/nio/charset/CoderResult;", "GetDecodeLoop_Ljava_nio_ByteBuffer_Ljava_nio_CharBuffer_Handler")]
protected abstract CoderResult DecodeLoop (Java.Nio.ByteBuffer in, Java.Nio.CharBuffer out)


the input buffer.
the output buffer.


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Decodes bytes into characters. This method is called by the CharsetDecoder.Decode(Java.Nio.ByteBuffer, Java.Nio.CharBuffer, Java.Nio.CharBuffer) method.

This method will implement the essential decoding operation, and it won't stop decoding until either all the input bytes are read, the output buffer is filled, or some exception is encountered. Then it will return a CoderResult object indicating the result of current decoding operation. The rules to construct the CoderResult are the same as for CharsetDecoder.Decode(Java.Nio.ByteBuffer, Java.Nio.CharBuffer, Java.Nio.CharBuffer). When an exception is encountered in the decoding operation, most implementations of this method will return a relevant result object to the CharsetDecoder.Decode(Java.Nio.ByteBuffer, Java.Nio.CharBuffer, Java.Nio.CharBuffer) method, and some performance optimized implementation may handle the exception and implement the error action itself.

The buffers are scanned from their current positions, and their positions will be modified accordingly, while their marks and limits will be intact. At most Java.Nio.Buffer.Remaining characters will be read, and Java.Nio.Buffer.Remaining bytes will be written.

Note that some implementations may pre-scan the input buffer and return a CoderResult.UNDERFLOW until it receives sufficient input.

[Android Documentation]


Namespace: Java.Nio.Charset
Assembly: Mono.Android (in Mono.Android.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: Added in API level 1