MonoMac.Security.SecKeyChain Class
Access to the operating system keychain.

See Also: SecKeyChain Members


public static class SecKeyChain


This class provides both basic and advanced means to manipulate iOS or MacOS keychain. Majority Mac OS X keychain scenarios involve adding or looking up the stored password. AddInternetPassword and FindInternetPassword provide high-level API to accomplish this for Internet passwords. For generic passwords, the AddGenericPassword and FindInternetPassword perform the same task. Other methods of this class may be used for iOS or more advanced MacOS keychain scenarios.

C# Example

var password = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("pA$$w0rd");
SecKeyChain.AddInternetPassword("", "miguel", password);


C# Example

byte[] password = null;
var code = SecKeyChain.FindInternetPassword("", "miguel", out password);
if (code == SecStatusCode.Success) {
	var passwordString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(password);
	Console.WriteLine("The password for the account is: {0}", passwordString);


C# Example

var query = new SecRecord (SecKind.InternetPassword) {
   Sever = "",
   Account = "miguel"
var password = SecKeyChain.QueryAsData (query);
Console.WriteLine ("The password for the account is: {0}", password);



Namespace: MonoMac.Security
Assembly: XamMac (in XamMac.dll)
Assembly Versions: