Android.Renderscripts.ScriptIntrinsicBlend: Method Members

The methods of Android.Renderscripts.ScriptIntrinsicBlend are listed below. For a list of all members, see the ScriptIntrinsicBlend Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from Android.Renderscripts.ScriptIntrinsic

Public Methods

Create(RenderScript, Element) : ScriptIntrinsicBlend
Supported elements types are Element.U8_4(RenderScript)
ForEachAdd(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = min(src + dst, 1.
ForEachAdd(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = min(src + dst, 1.
ForEachClear(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}
ForEachClear(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = {0, 0, 0, 0}
ForEachDst(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = dst This is a NOP.
ForEachDst(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = dst This is a NOP.
ForEachDstAtop(Allocation, Allocation)
dst = dst.rgb * src.a + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb dst.a = src.a
ForEachDstAtop(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
dst = dst.rgb * src.a + (1.0 - dst.a) * src.rgb dst.a = src.a
ForEachDstIn(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = dst * src.a
ForEachDstIn(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = dst * src.a
ForEachDstOut(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = dst * (1.0 - src.a)
ForEachDstOut(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = dst * (1.0 - src.a)
ForEachDstOver(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = dst + src * (1.0 - dst.a)
ForEachDstOver(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = dst + src * (1.0 - dst.a)
ForEachMultiply(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = src * dst
ForEachMultiply(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = src * dst
ForEachSrc(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = src
ForEachSrc(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = src
ForEachSrcAtop(Allocation, Allocation)
dst.rgb = src.rgb * dst.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb dst.a = dst.a
ForEachSrcAtop(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
dst.rgb = src.rgb * dst.a + (1.0 - src.a) * dst.rgb dst.a = dst.a
ForEachSrcIn(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = src * dst.a
ForEachSrcIn(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = src * dst.a
ForEachSrcOut(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = src * (1.0 - dst.a)
ForEachSrcOut(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = src * (1.0 - dst.a)
ForEachSrcOver(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = src + dst * (1.0 - src.a)
ForEachSrcOver(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = src + dst * (1.0 - src.a)
ForEachSubtract(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = max(dst - src, 0.
ForEachSubtract(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = max(dst - src, 0.
ForEachXor(Allocation, Allocation)
Sets dst = {src.r ^ dst.r, src.g ^ dst.g, src.b ^ dst.b, src.a ^ dst.a}
ForEachXor(Allocation, Allocation, Script.LaunchOptions)
Sets dst = {src.r ^ dst.r, src.g ^ dst.g, src.b ^ dst.b, src.a ^ dst.a}