Occurs when the details view of a System.Windows.Forms.ListView is drawn and the ListView.OwnerDraw property is set to true.
This event lets you customize the appearance of a System.Windows.Forms.ListView control using owner drawing. It is raised only when the ListView.OwnerDraw property is set to true and the ListView.View property is set to View.Details. For more information on owner drawing, see the ListView.OwnerDraw property reference topic.
Subitem information typically appears in the tile view as well as the details view, but in the tile view, it must be drawn in a handler for the ListView.DrawItem event.
The ListView.DrawSubItem event can occur for each System.Windows.Forms.ListView subitem. You can handle the ListView.DrawItem event to draw elements common to all subitems, such as the background, and handle the ListView.DrawSubItem event to draw elements for individual subitems, such as text values. You can also draw all items in the System.Windows.Forms.ListView control using only one of the two events, although this may be less convenient. To draw column headers in the details view, you must handle the ListView.DrawColumnHeader event.
The ListView.DrawSubItem event does not occur for any subitems for which no System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader object has been added to the ListView.Columns collection. Note also that the first subitem of each System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem object represents the parent item itself, and is displayed in the first column.
For more information about handling events, see Consuming Events.