Atk.RelationType Enumeration
Describes the type of the relation


public enum RelationType



Member NameDescription
NullNo Relation
ControlledBy Indicates an object controlled by one or more target objects.
ControllerFor Indicates an object is an controller for one or more target objects.
LabelFor Indicates an object is a label for one or more target objects.
LabelledBy Indicates an object is labelled by one or more target objects.
MemberOf Indicates an object is a member of a group of one or more target objects.
NodeChildOfIndicates an object is a cell in a treetable which is displayed because a cell in the same column is expanded and identifies that cell.
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FlowsToIndicates that the object has content that flows logically to another AtkObject in a sequential way, (for instance text-flow).
FlowsFrom Indicates that the object has content that flows logically from another AtkObject in a sequential way, (for instance text-flow).
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Embeds Indicates that the object visually embeds another object's content, i.e. this object's content flows around another's content.
EmbeddedBy Inverse of Relation.Embeds, indicates that this object's content is visualy embedded in another object.
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Namespace: Atk
Assembly: atk-sharp (in atk-sharp.dll)
Assembly Versions: