Specifies flags for method attributes. These flags are defined in the corhdr.h file.
public enum MethodAttributes
Member Name | Description |
Abstract |
Indicates that the class does not provide an implementation of this method.
Assembly |
Indicates that the method is accessible to any class of this assembly.
CheckAccessOnOverride |
Indicates that the method can only be overridden when it is also accessible.
FamANDAssem |
Indicates that the method is accessible to members of this type and its derived types that are in this assembly only.
Family |
Indicates that the method is accessible only to members of this class and its derived classes.
FamORAssem |
Indicates that the method is accessible to derived classes anywhere, as well as to any class in the assembly.
Final |
Indicates that the method cannot be overridden.
HasSecurity |
Indicates that the method has security associated with it. Reserved flag for runtime use only.
HideBySig |
Indicates that the method hides by name and signature; otherwise, by name only.
MemberAccessMask |
Retrieves accessibility information.
NewSlot |
Indicates that the method always gets a new slot in the vtable.
PinvokeImpl |
Indicates that the method implementation is forwarded through PInvoke (Platform Invocation Services).
Private |
Indicates that the method is accessible only to the current class.
PrivateScope |
Indicates that the member cannot be referenced.
Public |
Indicates that the method is accessible to any object for which this object is in scope.
RequireSecObject |
Indicates that the method calls another method containing security code. Reserved flag for runtime use only.
ReservedMask |
Indicates a reserved flag for runtime use only.
ReuseSlot |
Indicates that the method will reuse an existing slot in the vtable. This is the default behavior.
RTSpecialName |
Indicates that the common language runtime checks the name encoding.
SpecialName |
Indicates that the method is special. The name describes how this method is special.
Static |
Indicates that the method is defined on the type; otherwise, it is defined per instance.
UnmanagedExport |
Indicates that the managed method is exported by thunk to unmanaged code.
Virtual |
Indicates that the method is virtual.
VtableLayoutMask |
Retrieves vtable attributes.
Namespace: System.Reflection
Assembly: mscorlib (in mscorlib.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,,