System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeader.Actor Property

Gets or sets the recipient of the SOAP header.


[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttribute("actor", Namespace="")]
[System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttribute("actor", Namespace="")]
public string Actor { set; get; }


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To set the recipient of a SOAP header, set the SoapHeader.Actor property. Regardless of the version of the SOAP protocol used to communicate with an XML Web service, the .NET Framework automatically generates the SOAP message specific to the version of the SOAP protocol. Specifically, the XML element and XML namespace representing the recipient differ for the two versions.

XML Web services receiving the SOAP header can get the intended recipient by getting either the SoapHeader.Role or SoapHeader.Actor properties.

The recipient(s) for the Body element and each of the SOAP headers within the Header element of a SOAP message need not be the same. If a Header element exists in the SOAP message, it represents additional data that can be sent to and from the XML Web service method or an intermediary. The recipient of that data, known as the SOAP Actor in version 1.1, can be a different URI than the URI for the XML Web service method.

For more information on the SOAP actor attribute, see the SOAP specification at


Namespace: System.Web.Services.Protocols
Assembly: System.Web.Services (in System.Web.Services.dll)
Assembly Versions: 1.0.5000.0,