System.Threading.Overlapped: Method Members

The methods of System.Threading.Overlapped are listed below. For a list of all members, see the Overlapped Members list.

See Also: Inherited members from System.Object

Public Methods


Frees the unmanaged memory associated with a native overlapped structure allocated by the erload:System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack method.

Pack(IOCompletionCallback) : NativeOverlapped*

Packs the current instance into a System.Threading.NativeOverlapped structure, specifying the delegate to be invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete.

Pack(IOCompletionCallback, object) : NativeOverlapped*

Packs the current instance into a System.Threading.NativeOverlapped structure, specifying a delegate that is invoked when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete and a managed object that serves as a buffer.

Unpack(NativeOverlapped*) : Overlapped

Unpacks the specified unmanaged System.Threading.NativeOverlapped structure into a managed System.Threading.Overlapped object.

UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback) : NativeOverlapped*

Packs the current instance into a System.Threading.NativeOverlapped structure specifying the delegate to invoke when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete. Does not propagate the calling stack.

UnsafePack(IOCompletionCallback, object) : NativeOverlapped*

Packs the current instance into a System.Threading.NativeOverlapped structure, specifying the delegate to invoke when the asynchronous I/O operation is complete and the managed object that serves as a buffer. Does not propagate the calling stack.