System.Web.Security.RoleProvider.ApplicationName Property

Gets or sets the name of the application to store and retrieve role information for.


public abstract string ApplicationName { set; get; }


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The RoleProvider.ApplicationName is used by the System.Web.Security.Roles class to associate users and roles with different applications. This enables multiple applications to use the same database to store user and role information without running into conflicts between duplicate user names or role names. Multiple ASP.NET applications can use the same database by specifying the same value in the Roles.ApplicationName property. The Roles.ApplicationName property can be set programmatically, or it can be set declaratively in the configuration file for the Web application using the applicationName attribute.

If no RoleProvider.ApplicationName property is specified, we recommend that the System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath property value be used.


Namespace: System.Web.Security
Assembly: System.Web (in System.Web.dll)
Assembly Versions:
Since: .NET 2.0